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Department Name TypeMeeting LocationMembersVacancies
Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC)In person: Various - click on a meeting date to view the meeting location, and Virtual (Online): https://planning-lacounty-gov.zoom.us/j/85860326429 Webinar ID: 858 6032 6429 Or call by phone: (669) 444-9171 or (719) 359-4580  
Athens Services Technical Advisory Committee Athens Services Technical Advisory Committee   
Baldwin Hills Committee Baldwin Hills CommitteeVirtual  
Chiquita Canyon Landfill Community Advisory Committee Chiquita Canyon Landfill Community Advisory CommitteeCastaic Library – Meeting Room 27971 Sloan Canyon Rd. Castaic, CA 91384  
Chiquita Canyon Landfill Technical Advisory Committee Chiquita Canyon Landfill Technical Advisory Committee   
Environmental Review Board (ERB) Environmental Review BoardIn-person: Calabasas Field Office - 26600 Agoura Road, Calabasas, CA 91302  
Hearing Examiner Hearing Examiner6742 East Avenue H Lancaster, CA 93535  
Hearing Officer Hearing OfficerIn person: Various - click on a meeting date to view the meeting location, Virtual (Online): https://bit.ly/ZOOM-HO Webinar ID: 824 5573 9842 Or call by phone: (669) 444-9171 or (719) 359-4580  
Interdepartmental Subdivisions Team Subdivision    
Los Angeles County Oil and Gas Strike Team Los Angeles County Oil and Gas Strike Team   
Owen Brown Gravesite Committee Owen Brown Gravesite CommitteeMeetings will now take place via Zoom. Please join using this link: https://planning-lacounty-gov.zoom.us/j/86762444548  
Regional Planning Commission Regional Planning Commission (RPC)In person: Various - click on a meeting date to view the meeting location, and Virtual (Online): https://planning-lacounty-gov.zoom.us/j/85860326429 Webinar ID: 858 6032 6429 Or call by phone: (669) 444-9171 or (719) 359-4580  
Significant Ecological Areas Technical Advisory Committee Significant Ecological Areas Technical Advisory Committee   
Sunshine Canyon Community Advisory Committee Sunshine Canyon Landfill Community Advisory Committee   
Sunshine Canyon Landfill Technical Advisory Committee Sunshine Canyon Landfill Technical Advisory Committee