Project No. 04-035-(1)
Planner: Alejandrina Baldwin
Applicant: Juanita and Arturo Barrera
2027 Vallecito Drive and 2342 Via Cielo
East San Gabriel Valley Planning Area
a. Tentative Tract Map No. 060973
To create 10 residential lots on 12.35 gross (10.25 net) acres, within the A-1-1 (Light Agricultural-One Acre Minimum Required Lot Area).
b. Conditional Use Permit No. RCUP-200800169
To authorize the development of eight new building pads within a non-urban hillside management area pursuant to the pre-2015 update of the County’s Hillside Management Area Ordinance, and to allow over-height retaining walls within required yards.
c. Oak Tree Permit No. RPPL2021002541
To authorize the encroachment into the protected zone of nine non-heritage oak trees.
d. Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2021002622
To consider an MND with impacts to Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Noise, and Tribal Cultural Resources reduced to less than significant with mitigation measures pursuant...