(Continued without opening the public hearing from 08/27/24)
Project No. 96-044-(5)
Conditional Use Permit Modification No. RPPL2019002028
Planner: Marie Pavlovic
Applicant: Spring Canyon Recovery Acquisition LLC
514 Assessor's Parcel Numbers created by recorded final maps TR48086, TR48086-1, TR48086-2 & TR48086-3: APN 3211-021-054+
Santa Clarita Valley Planning Area
To modify 12 conditions of approval (Nos. 1, 8, 15, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 36, 40, 41, and 45) of the CUP No. 96-044-(5) related to timing for implementing mitigation measures and complying with Conditions of Approval pertaining to grading, infrastructure, landscaping, and parking and trails under the approved Fourth Amendment to Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 48086-(5) (RPPL2018004065). This project has prepared an addendum to the certified EIR pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.