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File #: 24-338    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Project Status: Passed
File created: 12/30/2024 In control: Hearing Officer
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Title: Project No. PRJ2023-001993-(1) Yard Modification No. RPPL2023002892 Planner: Melissa Reyes Applicant: Rafael C. Aguilar 934 N Bonnie Beach Place Metro Planning Area To authorize an existing 66-square-foot addition to an existing single-family residence with a front yard setback of 13 feet and three inches in lieu of the required 20-foot minimum front yard setback, and to authorize an existing five-foot-tall wrought iron fence within the required front yard setback area, which exceeds the four-foot maximum height limit in the R-2 (Two-Family Residence) Zone. This project is categorically exempt Class 1 – Existing Facilities and Class 5 – Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.
Attachments: 1. Project Summary, 2. Hearing Notice, 3. Project Summary (Spanish), 4. Project Summary (Traditional Chinese), 5. Hearing Notice (Spanish), 6. Hearing Notice (Traditional Chinese), 7. Hearing Package_RPPL2023002892, 8. Memo From the Hearing Officer, 9. Supplemental Memo RPPL2023002892 (02132025)