Project No. 04-075-(5)
Applicant: TRI Pointe Homes IE-SD (F.K.A Pardee Homes, Inc.)
Planner: Timothy Stapleton
Skyline Ranch Rd. W. of Sierra Hwy, S. of Vasquez Canyon Rd.
Santa Clarita Valley Planning Area
a. Plan Amendment No. 2009-00009
To amend the Master Plan of Highways to delete extension of Whites Canyon Road (Secondary Highway) from Plum Canyon Road to Vasquez Canyon Road, and delete Cruzan Mesa Road (Limited Secondary Highway), and add Skyline Ranch Road as a Secondary Highway from Plum Canyon Road to Sierra Highway.
b. Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 060922
To create 1,032 single-family residence lots, three (3) multi-family residence lots developed with 188 detached, single-family residence condominium units, 17 open space lots, one (1) public park lot, five (5) private recreation lots, one (1) public school lot, 12 debris basin lots, two (2) water tank lots, one (1) booster station lot and 13 private drive and fire lane lots on 2,173.2...