(Appeal of the Hearing Officer's decision on August 6, 2024)
Project No. R2014-0025-(5)
Planner: Phillip Smith
Applicant: Claremont Homes/Imad Aboujawdah
Hasley Canyon Road and Burlwood Drive
Santa Clarita Valley Planning Area
a. Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 072630
To create 46 single-family residential lots and one open space lot on 168.73 gross acres within the A-2-2 (Heavy Agricultural – Two Acre Minimum Required Lot Area) Zone.
b. Conditional Use Permit No. 201400001
To authorize project on-site grading and non-urban hillside management, as the Project would grade more than 100,000 cubic yards and the proposed number of dwelling units exceeds the low-density threshold of 13 units
within a non-urban Hillside Management Area.
c. Oak Tree Permit No. 201400002
To remove 16 oak trees.
d. Environmental Assessment No. 201400002
Pursuant to the California Public Resources Code Section 15270, CEQA does not apply to projects which a public agency rejects or disapproves.