South Bay Area Plan
Project No. PRJ2022-004615-(2,4)
Advance Planning Case No. RPPL2022014508
Advance Planning Case No. RPPL2022014509
General Plan Amendment No. RPPL2023004724
Zone Change No. RPPL2023004725
Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2023002450
Planners: Thomas Dearborn and Arturo Jacobo
PROJECT LOCATION: Unincorporated communities of Alondra Park/El Camino Village, Del Aire, Hawthorne Island, La Rambla, Lennox, West Carson, Westfield/Academy Hills, and Wiseburn.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed South Bay Area Plan (Area Plan or Project) is a component of the General Plan focused on eight unincorporated communities within the South Bay Planning Area. The purpose of the Area Plan is to enhance, guide, and support the long-term growth, development, and maintenance of these communities. The Area Plan consists of area-wide and community-specific goals, policies, and implementation actions. The Project includes changes to land use and zoning designations to implement the Hou...