Project No. 87-360-(5)
Conditional Use Permit No. RPPL2023005350
Assigned Planner: Jodie Sackett
Intersection of Commerce Center Drive and Franklin Parkway,
Valencia Commerce Center (“VCC”)
Santa ClaritaValley Planning Area
To authorize a solid fill project to include imported earthwork and haul route for up to 1.35 million cubic yards (mcy) of earthwork (all imported to site), to a previously disturbed area identified as a “borrow site” on the
approved Parcel Map 26363 rough grading plan. The site, referred to as Planning Area 4 ("PA 4") within the VCC, is approximately 33.3 acres and the underlying VCC master Conditional Use Permit. PA-4 is part of a larger parcel that lies north of SR 126 and Castaic Creek, west of Commerce Center Drive, and south of Franklin Parkway. The project also includes a related revised rough grading plan under separate approval. The project qualifies for a Class 4 (Minor Alteration to Private Land) Categorical Exemption under CEQA Guidelines Section 15...