Project No.: R2015-01673
Permit No.: Minor CDP RPPL2016002599
APN: 4438-039-001
Address: 23333 Saddle Peak Rd, Topanga, CA 90290
Location: Topanga Creek Watershed
USGS Quad: Malibu Beach
Project Applicant: Nematollah Mostajer
Project Biologist: Jim Anderson, Envicom Corporation
Staff Planner: Nathan Merrick
Staff Biologist: Joe Decruyenaere
Retroactive grading approval for 352 cubic yards of fill which was deposited onsite, all of which is to be exported (352 CY). Restoration plan includes revegetation, invasive species control, erosion control, unpermitted fence removal, tree protections, and mitigation for impacts to one laurel sumac for encroachment into the protected zone exceeding 10%.