(Continued without opening the public hearing from 05/28/24, 06/25/24, 08/20/24, 09/17/24,10/15/24, and 01/21/25)
Project No. 2019-000010-(3)
Planner: Tyler Montgomery
Applicant: Isaac Zachary
24937 Mulholland Highway
Santa Monica Mountains Planning Area
a. Minor Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2019000016
To construct a new 4,114-square-foot single-family residence with an attached 451-square-foot garage and a new onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) on a 1.0-acre parcel in the R-C-20 (Rural Coastal - 20 Acre Minimum Required Lot Area) Zone within the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone.
b. Minor Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2019000017
To construct a new 4,138-square-foot single-family residence with an attached 427-square-foot garage and a new OWTS on a 1.2-acre flag lot in the R-C-20 (Rural Coastal - 20 Acre Minimum Required Lot Area) Zone within the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone.
c. Minor Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2019000018
To construct a new 4,...