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File #: 24-071    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Project Status: Held
File created: 4/16/2024 In control: Hearing Officer
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: (Continued without opening the public hearing from 05/28/24, 06/25/24, 08/20/24, 09/17/24,10/15/24, and 01/21/25) Project No. 2019-000010-(3) Planner: Tyler Montgomery Applicant: Isaac Zachary 24937 Mulholland Highway Santa Monica Mountains Planning Area a. Minor Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2019000016 To construct a new 4,114-square-foot single-family residence with an attached 451-square-foot garage and a new onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) on a 1.0-acre parcel in the R-C-20 (Rural Coastal - 20 Acre Minimum Required Lot Area) Zone within the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone. b. Minor Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2019000017 To construct a new 4,138-square-foot single-family residence with an attached 427-square-foot garage and a new OWTS on a 1.2-acre flag lot in the R-C-20 (Rural Coastal - 20 Acre Minimum Required Lot Area) Zone within the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone. c. Minor Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2019000018 To construct a new 4,...
Attachments: 1. Historical Case Material, 2. Project Summary, 3. Hearing Notice, 4. Hearing Notice (Spanish), 5. Hearing Notice (Traditional Chinese), 6. Draft Initial Study 2019-000010, 7. MMRP 2019-000010, 8. Staff Memo to the Hearing Officer dated May 16, 2024, 9. Staff Memo to the Hearing Officer dated June 13, 2024, 10. Staff Memo to the Hearing Officer dated June 20, 2024, 11. Staff Memo to the Hearing Officer dated August 8, 2024, 12. Staff Memo to the Hearing Officer dated 9/5/2024, 13. Staff Memo to the Hearing Officer dated 10/3/2024, 14. Hearing Package, 15. Staff Memo to the Hearing Officer dated January 16, 2025