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File #: 24-203    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Project Status: Held
File created: 9/3/2024 In control: Hearing Officer
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: (Continued from 01/07/25 and 02/04/25) Project No. PRJ2023-000349-(2) Yard Modification Permit No. RPPL2023000478 Planner: Evan Sahagun Applicant: Isabel Giraldo 5486 Valley Ridge Avenue Westside Planning Area To authorize an existing five-foot and eight-inch tall front yard fence with modifications and an existing 236-square-foot covered patio encroaching into the front yard. This project is categorically exempt (Class 1 - Existing Facilities and Class 5 - Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.
Attachments: 1. PRJ2023-000349-(2)_3rd Supplemental_5486 Valley Ridge Ave_CS_MG, 2. 1. Revised Exhibit_A-Plans-01.23.25, 3. 2. Revised Exhibit_C-Findings, 4. 3. Revised Exhibit_D-Conditions, 5. 4. Revised Exhibit_F_EnvDocumentation, 6. PRJ2023-000349-(2)_2nd Supplemental_5486 Valley Ridge Ave_EMR_MG, 7. 1. Correspondence with DPW_01.22.2025, 8. 2. Revised Exhibit_A_Plans_01.21.2025, 9. 3. Revised Exhibit_C-Findings, 10. 4. Revised Exhibit_D-Conditions, 11. 5. Revised Exhibit_F_EnvDocumentation, 12. 6. Changes to Exhibit_C-Findings, 13. 7. Changes to Exhibit_D-Conditions, 14. 8. Changes to Exhibit_F_EnvDocumentation, 15. PRJ2023-000349-(2)_Hearing Officer Memo_01.02.2025, 16. PRJ2023-000349-(2)_1st Supplemental_5486 Valley Ridge Ave, 17. Revised Exhibit_C-Findings, 18. Revised Exhibit_D-Conditions, 19. Revised Exhibit_F_EnvDocumentation, 20. Changes to Exhibit_C-Findings, 21. Changes to Exhibit_D-Conditions, 22. Changes to Exhibit_F_EnvDocumentation, 23. SupplementalReport, 24. PRJ2023-000349-(2)_Hearing Officer Memo_01.02.2025, 25. Hearing Notice, 26. PRJ2023-000349-(2)_Compiled Pkg_5486 Valley Ridge Ave_MG.MR, 27. Exhibit_A_Plans, 28. Exhibit_B_ProjectSummary, 29. Exhibit_C-Findings, 30. Exhibit_D-Conditions, 31. Exhibit_E_BurdenOfProof, 32. Exhibit_F_EnvDocumentation, 33. Exhibit_G_InformationalMaps, 34. Exhibit_H_Photos, 35. Exhibit_I_AgencyCorrespondence, 36. StaffAnalysis, 37. Project Summary