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File #: 24-263    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Project Status: Held
File created: 10/23/2024 In control: Hearing Officer
On agenda: 4/22/2025 Final action:
Title: (Continued without opening the public hearing from 01/21/25) Project No. PRJ2024-000971-(3) Oak Tree Permit No. RPPL2024001427 Planner: Jon D. Schneider Applicant: Veronica Mosqueda 1362 Old Topanga Canyon Rd Santa Monica Mountains Planning Area To authorize encroachment into the protected zones of six oak trees in association with the installation of a roof-mounted solar energy array on an existing 20-foot tall 1,637 square-foot single-family residence, including appurtenant wiring, boxes, and panels. The array would consist of 28 panels with a maximum height of six inches and would total approximately 568 square feet in area. This project is categorically exempt (Class 4 Categorical Exemption – Minor Alterations to Land) pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.
Attachments: 1. Hearing Notice, 2. Postcard Notice, 3. Hearing Notice (Spanish), 4. Hearing Notice (Traditional Chinese), 5. Staff Memo to the Hearing Officer dated January 8, 2025