(Continued Without Opening the Public Hearing From 01/15/25)
Project No. PRJ2021-001327-(5)
Planner: Diana Gonzalez
Applicant: KT and KT Investments, LLC / Kluger Architects
2214 Windsor Avenue
West San Gabriel Valley Planning Area
a. Minor Conditional Use Permit No. RPPL2021003527
To authorize the construction of a three-story, mixed-use commercial and residential development with 2,122 square feet of ground floor retail, 639 square feet of temporary leasing office, and 54 apartment units in the C-M (Commercial Manufacturing) Zone.
b. Administrative Housing Permit No. RPPL2021003544
To provide five apartment units restricted to extremely low-income households earning up to 30% of the Area Median Income (AMI) and one apartment unit restricted to very low income households earning up to 50% AMI, including four waivers related to building height, building stories, the number of compact parking spaces, and floor area ratio.
This project is statutorily exempt (Residential or Mixed-Use H...