| 1 | 6. | | Project | Project No. PRJ2023-001700-(2,3)
Westside Area Plan
General Plan Amendment No. RPPL2023002433
Advance Planning Project No. RPPL2023002448
Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2023002449
Zone Change No. RPPL2023002450
Planners: Julie Yom and Miriam Thompson
Unincorporated communities of Ladera Heights/View Park – Windsor Hills, West Fox Hills, West LA (Sawtelle VA), Marina del Rey/Ballona Wetlands, Franklin Canyon, Gilmore Island and Beverly Hills Island.
The proposed Westside Area Plan (WSAP or Project) is a component of the General Plan focused on the unique needs and characteristics of the unincorporated communities within the Westside Planning Area. The purpose of the WSAP is to enhance, guide, and support the long-term growth, development, and maintenance of these communities by focusing on land use and policy issues that are specific to their unique characteristics and needs. The WSAP consists of area-wide goals, policies, and implementation actions. The area-wide elements address the following topics: land use, economic dev | | |
Action details
Not available