Meeting date/time:
9:00 AM
Minutes status:
Meeting location:
In-Person: 320 W. Temple Street, Room 150, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Virtual (Online): Webinar ID: 824 5573 9842 Or call by phone: (669) 444-9171 or (719) 359-4580
| 1 | 3. | | Project | (Continued without opening the public hearing from 08/27/24)
Project No. 96-044-(5)
Conditional Use Permit Modification No. RPPL2019002028
Planner: Marie Pavlovic
Applicant: Spring Canyon Recovery Acquisition LLC
514 Assessor's Parcel Numbers created by recorded final maps TR48086, TR48086-1, TR48086-2 & TR48086-3: APN 3211-021-054+
Santa Clarita Valley Planning Area
To modify 12 conditions of approval (Nos. 1, 8, 15, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 36, 40, 41, and 45) of the CUP No. 96-044-(5) related to timing for implementing mitigation measures and complying with Conditions of Approval pertaining to grading, infrastructure, landscaping, and parking and trails under the approved Fourth Amendment to Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 48086-(5) (RPPL2018004065). This project has prepared an addendum to the certified EIR pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | | Project | (Continued without opening the public hearing from 09/17/24)
Project No. R2011-01126-(3)
Minor Coastal Development Permit No. RCDP-201500036
Planner: William Chen
Applicant: Gary and Jeannine Isbell
25830 Dark Creek
Santa Monica Mountains Planning Area
To authorize the construction of a new 2,479-square-foot single-family residence, a garage, and an on-site waste treatment system on a one acre parcel in the R-C-1 (Rural Coastal – One Acre Minimum Required Lot Area) Zone within the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone. This project is categorically exempt (Class 3 – New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures and Class 4 – Minor Alterations to Land) pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | | Project | Project No. 2020-000422-(3)
Planner: William Chen
Applicant: Brett Henry
5050 Old Scandia Lane
Santa Monica Mountains Planning Area
a. Conditional Use Permit No. RPPL2020000732
To authorize a new self-service storage facility in the M-1 (Light Manufacturing) Zone, consisting of three storage buildings, an office building, and a caretakers’ residence. The total gross area of all structures will be 156,638 square feet, the maximum structure height will be 38 feet and four inches, and total grading will be 45,140 cubic yards.
b. Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2020000735
To consider an MND with impacts to Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Hydrology, Water Quality, Storm Water, Tribal Cultural Resources, and Utility Services Systems reduced to less than significant with mitigation measures pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.
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Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | | Project | Project No. 2017-006506-(3)
Planner: Tyler Montgomery
Applicant: Nicole Farnoush
2826 Coralglen Drive
Santa Monica Mountains Planning Area
a. Minor Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2017009778
To authorize the construction of a new 5,022-square-foot single-family residence, an attached 800-square foot garage, a swimming pool, landscaping, and a new onsite wastewater treatment system on a 5.2-acre parcel in the R-C-40 (Rural Coastal – 40 Acre Minimum Required Lot Area) Zone within the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone.
b. Variance No. RPPL2024004250
To authorize an access driveway with more than 300 feet in length. This project is categorically exempt (Class 3 – New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures and Class 4 – Minor Alterations to Land) pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.
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Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | | Project | Project No. PRJ2024-000060-(5)
Conditional Use Permit No. RPPL2023004807
Planner: Michelle Fleishman
Applicant: Crown Castle
2023 West Avenue O
Antelope Valley Planning Area
To authorize the continued operation and maintenance of an unmanned wireless communications facility, consisting of a 72-foot-high monopalm and appurtenant facilities, with minor changes, in the A-2-2 (Heavy Agricultural - Two Acre Minimum Required Lot Area ) Zone. This project is categorically exempt (Class 1 - Existing Facilities) pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.
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Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | | Project | Project No. PRJ2023-003721-(5)
Conditional Use Permit No. RPPL2023005455
Planner: Michelle Fleishman
Applicant: Takuma Ramen & Sushi (Chun Zhang)
29641 The Old Road
Santa Clarita Valley Planning Area
To authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption at an existing restaurant, Takuma Ramen & Sushi, located within the C-2 (Neighborhood Commercial) Zone. This project is categorically exempt (Class 1 - Existing Facilities) pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements. | | |
Action details
Not available