| 1 | 6. | | Project | West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan
Project No. PRJ2023-003982-(1, 5)
Advance Planning Case No. RPPL2023005880
General Plan Amendment No. RPPL2023005882
Ordinance No. RPPL2024002630
Zone Change No. RPPL2023005883
Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2023005884
State Clearinghouse No. 2023110351
Planner: Mi Kim/Community Studies East Team
PROJECT LOCATION: Unincorporated communities of Altadena, East Pasadena-East San Gabriel, Kinneloa Mesa, La Crescenta-Montrose, San Pasqual, South Monrovia Islands, South San Gabriel, Whittier Narrows, and South El Monte Island.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan (Area Plan or Project) is a component of the General Plan focused on the unique needs and characteristics of nine unincorporated communities within the West San Gabriel Valley (WSGV) Planning Area. The purpose of the Area Plan is to enhance, guide, and support the long term growth, development, and maintenance of these communities by focusing on land use and policy issues that are specific to their unique characteristics and needs. The Area | | |
Action details
Not available