| 1 | 3. | | Project | (Continued without opening public hearing from 05/28/24, 06/25/24, and 08/20/24)
Project No. 2019-000010-(3)
Planner: Tyler Montgomery
Applicant: Isaac Zachary
24937 Mulholland Highway
Santa Monica Mountains Planning Area
a. Minor Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2019000016
Construction of a new 4,114-square-foot single-family residence with an attached 451-square-foot garage and a new onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) on a 1.0-acre parcel in the R-C-20 (Rural Coastal - 20 Acre Minimum Required Lot Area) Zone within the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone.
b. Minor Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2019000017
Construction of a new 4,138-square-foot single-family residence with an attached 427-square-foot garage and a new OWTS on a 1.2-acre flag lot in the R-C-20 (Rural Coastal - 20 Acre Minimum Required Lot Area) Zone within the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone.
c. Minor Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2019000018
Construction of a new 4,114-square-foot single-family residence with an attached 451-square-foot garage and a new OWTS on a 10.1-acre | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | | Project | Project No. PRJ2023 003785-(2)
Conditional Use Permit No. RPPL2023005574
Planner: Melissa Reyes
Applicant: Spectrasite Communications, LLC
Assessor's Parcel Number: 6079003047
Metro Planning Area
A Conditional Use Permit to authorize the continued operation and maintenance of an existing 50-foot wireless communications facility (“WCF”) with attached antennas reaching a total of 53 feet in the Civic Center Zone of the Connect Southwest Los Angeles Transit Oriented District (“CSLA TOD”) Specific Plan. This project is categorically exempt (Class 1 – Existing Facilities) pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | | Project | Project No. PRJ2023-004237-(1)
Conditional Use Permit No. RPPL2023006245
Planner: Carl Nadela
Applicant: Xiao Wei BBQ Inc.
2430 Fullerton Road
East San Gabriel Valley Planning Area
To authorize the sale of beer and wine for on-site consumption at an existing restaurant in the C-1 (Restricted Commercial) Zone. This project is categorically exempt (Class 1 - Existing Facilities) pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements. | | |
Action details
Not available