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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Hearing Officer Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/18/2025 1:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: In-Person: 320 W. Temple Street, Room 150, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Virtual (Online): https://bit.ly/ZOOM-HO Webinar ID: 824 5573 9842 Or call by phone: (669) 444-9171 or (719) 359-4580
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-331 13. ProjectProject No. PRJ2024-002862-(1) Conditional Use Permit RPPL2024004263 Planner: Carl Nadela Applicant: Christian Zion Church in Los Angeles 2628 Fullerton Road East San Gabriel Valley Planning Area To authorize the continuation of an existing church, a pre-school/kindergarten and other accessory uses, including a three-story administration/dormitory building, a one-story gymnasium/multipurpose building and a single-family residence in the A-1-1 (Light Agricultural – One Acre Minimum Required Lot Area) Zone. This project is categorically exempt (Class 1 – Existing Facilities) pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.    Not available Not available
24-338 14. ProjectProject No. PRJ2023-001993-(1) Yard Modification No. RPPL2023002892 Planner: Melissa Reyes Applicant: Rafael C. Aguilar 934 N Bonnie Beach Place Metro Planning Area To authorize an existing 66-square-foot addition to an existing single-family residence with a front yard setback of 13 feet and three inches in lieu of the required 20-foot minimum front yard setback, and to authorize an existing five-foot-tall wrought iron fence within the required front yard setback area, which exceeds the four-foot maximum height limit in the R-2 (Two-Family Residence) Zone. This project is categorically exempt Class 1 – Existing Facilities and Class 5 – Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.    Not available Not available
24-305 15. ProjectProject No. PRJ2024-003105-(2) Conditional Use Permit No. RPPL2024003325 Planner: Melissa Reyes Applicant: California Tower, Inc. Assessor's Parcel Number: 7306021033 Gateway Planning Area To authorize the continued operation and maintenance of an existing 61-foot-five-inch tall wireless communications facility in the M-1.5-IP (Restricted Heavy Manufacturing – Industrial Preservation) Zone. This project is categorically exempt (Class 1 – Existing Facilities) pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.    Not available Not available
24-155 16. Project(Continued from 09/03/24, 11/05/24, 12/03/24, 01/07/25, and 02/04/25) Project No. PRJ2023-003960-(1) Oak Tree Permit No. RPPL2024001753 Planner: Carl Nadela Applicant: Ping Wei and Yong Chen 2907 Rio Lempa Drive East San Gabriel Valley Planning Area To authorize past and proposed encroachments into the protected zone of two oak trees, including one heritage oak tree, in conjunction with a proposed accessory dwelling unit and retaining walls at an existing single-family residence. This project is categorically exempt (Class 1- Existing Facilities and Class 4 - Minor Alterations to Land) pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.   Not available Not available
24-203 17. Project(Continued from 01/07/25 and 02/04/25) Project No. PRJ2023-000349-(2) Yard Modification Permit No. RPPL2023000478 Planner: Evan Sahagun Applicant: Isabel Giraldo 5486 Valley Ridge Avenue Westside Planning Area To authorize an existing five-foot and eight-inch tall front yard fence with modifications and an existing 236-square-foot covered patio encroaching into the front yard. This project is categorically exempt (Class 1 - Existing Facilities and Class 5 - Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) pursuant to CEQA reporting requirements.   Not available Not available
25-021 18. ProjectAppeal of Final Zoning Enforcement Order Enforcement Case No. RPCE2019005541 Planner: Tiffany Caldwell Appellants: Cade L Peterson and Jeanice R Peterson Enforcement Violation: 1) A land use that is not permitted in this zone is being maintained on the premises (Operating/ maintaining an organic waste facility, including, but not limited to disposal, storage, and composting of organic waste on a parcel within 1,500 of a sensitive use (residences)) The above violation is maintained on the property known as Assessor’s Parcel Number 3264 012 026 (47747 91st W Lancaster CA 93536) located in the unincorporated community of Antelope Acres, CA. The subject property is zoned A-2-2 (Heavy Agricultural) and is located in the Antelope Valley West Zoned District.    Not available Not available